Saturday, March 7, 2020

How to create live chat for Blogger / Wordpress / Website

How to create Live chat on Blogger

There are many service providers offer online chat for Wordpress/Blogger/website. Particularly we used four live chat providers like,, and In those four service providers, most of the peoples used It is very user-friendly.
Live chat is nothing but anyone comes to your website automatically you get one popup message and you get notification on your mobile. It is suitable for two desktop and mobile applications.

It is one kind of live chat service provider. Signup free and nothing will be charged. First, you should sign up by your Gmail id and password. One tawk account is used to create N number of website live charts. Tawk code is two types one is widget code and another one is the direct link.

How to change online and offline on Live Chat?

Go to tawk dashboard and click user image button online option is visible. when you are going offline, click user image a select invisible option then the online mode is changed to offline mode.

How to create a live chat for the website?

First you should select website URL and go to tawk then go to settings (option called Admin) then go to Administration setting option and select Add new button and type your company name in property name field column and paste your website URL then click for next then copy the code could be presented and click done button. Then if you want to change anything in the chat section you may do otherwise leave it.
Next, the step is going to the Administration option than the right side section visible code and the direct link. You have to check it. So, one is code and another one is a link.
Copy the code and go to your website CPanel and paste as code or link in your site. How can we paste it? Login your Cpanel by username and password. Go to CPanel file manager then click public_html select index.html and right-click it and select edit and paste after </div> that is, In the end, section pastes it then click save changes. Then go to your site and refresh the live chat option will visible but there is no information will be visible.

How to set specifications /information on tawk?

Go to Administration setting of tawk and select widget content and select pre-chat form and Enable it and then add a name, mail and phone number after that enable the mandatory /Required options by select * symbol of every field. Select the save option.
Go to the website and refresh it then see all the information presented in live chat. You can start a new chat.
Another important thing is you can change your welcome message also. Go to settings of tawk then go to Administration then select trigger option. Select it a change as Welcome to our site. Book now your Digital Marketing Training Class - +91 9600231980. Then click save option. When any new message is coming, the tawk alarm sound will ring you can select join button and reply.
Second, an option is called copy the direct link chat and go to the Cpanel developer option. Go to menu part (ex: <li><a href=home.html>home</a></li> and paste that copied link by replacing home.html and change them as WhatsApp Chat. Suppose if you want to chat in separate tab means type target=_blank in a href end section “and click save changes. Mostly this option is done by the developer. Your job is to copy that code and send it to the developer.

How to create a live chat for Blogger?

Open and click layout option and go to footer-1 and select add gadget then select HTML/Jave script and paste code copied and dont give any title then clicks for saving and save arrangements.

How to create a live chat for Wordpress?

Open Login into Wordpress and go to appearance option and go to menus and select custom links and add your copied direct link of tawk and type text name as Live chat then select Add to menu then click save menu then refresh it.
Blogger and Website entered by tawk code but word press entered by tawk direct link.


1. Two methods are paste code.
2. Enter all tawk information in the Widget content option and Pre chat form option.
3. Show online and offline options by select online and invisible options.
4. Any welcome change in trigger option.

How to Create Contact Form for Blogger and Wordpress and Website using Google Drive

Contact Form is nothing but Form which receives mails from various customers to your site then you reply to that mail is called contact form.
Go to Google, one special application is there for a contact form. You can create and copy the code of the application and paste it on blogger/website / Wordpress without HTML and CSS file.
 (Google – Google application – Drive – login with your Gmail id and password – select a new option – click more option – select Google forms)

Google Form:

In Google Form, first, you must type your name (Digital Vishnu) then click the options button after that switch ON required option to every creative field like name, number, mail id, description option.
Type Name replaced in the Untitled Question printed column then select multiple-choice it will show more option. From that option, you should select a short answer option. Next, you have to click the copy option in the below-typed fields.
 Type Number in that empty field then select short answers then you should check number field as number format or text format. Next, you have to click the copy option. The same procedure followed for type Email id. You should change the format of the email id and set as text format. Next, you have to click the copy option.
Type Enquiry in that empty field and select short answers then select choose multiple choice questions format. Then you can write on it like digital marketing, website designing, others services, internship by select other fields.
 Type Description in that empty field and select short answers then select format called paragraph instead of multiple choice and numbers.
Once you have to complete every field, then you must check that every field required option is enabling or not.
Select send menu in Google drive contact form. There are 3 options are email, script code and embed (nothing but code with inside information) code. You should select <> option and copy HTML code then go to your blogger dashboard.
Then click view blog in your blogger and check your previous uploaded contact form like name, mail and message.
Go to blogger dashboard click Layout option then select right sidebar and Select Add a gadget option and choose HTML/Javascript option  then type Title as Contact Us  and paste that copied embed contact form code in the content-box then click save and save arrangements option.
You are facing a problem like your Contact form is out of the width of in blogger. How to correct the width of contact form in a blogger? Go to Google drive contact form then change the width of embed code like width as 120 px from 640 and height as 1000 px from 1161. Then once again select embed code and replace previously uploaded code in the content-box of the blogger. Another way is you can directly change the width by change the width of pasted embed HTML code in the content box like change width as “250” from 120.
Another important thing is once created Google form where it can be saved? Go to your Google drive contact form and select the Response option near the Question option. Then Select create a new spreadsheet and type name (as Digital Vishnu). Then select for creating a spreadsheet option (or) you can save it on the existing spreadsheet.
            “Once you fill and submit every detail on Google form in Blogger site you can check that filled detail on a created Spreadsheet. So Contact Form has received the emails and other enquiries for our website/blog / Wordpress”

The same procedure is applied to Website and Wordpress.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Why Guidelines to be followed for Make Good Blog | Digital Vishnu

Blogger is used for promoting your business or service through keywords. We can Create N no of websites by one blogger account. Two main reasons are users go for Blogger. 1. Business Promotion 2.Self Earning by affiliate marketing.

Guidelines to be followed for making Perfect Blogger

Guidelines to be followed making Perfect Blogger for Business 

  • Sign in by Gmail id and Password.
  • Select New Blog in Blogger Dashboard.
  • Set the name of Title as Site name (Represents the purpose of the sites).
  • Set Address name as Site Extension.
  • Select themes of Blogger.
  • Set Site icon (Favicon) & Logo.

(I) Modify Layout (Which is used to Enable and Disable of blogger options)
  • Set Logo & Favicon by select the Layout option in Blogger dashboard (Same as          Appearance option in Wordpress).
  • Go to Edit option in header and select the Choose file option and Upload logo as.PNG (Transparency) Format. (Layout – Header –Edit— Choose file – save).
  • Go to Edit option in Favicon and select the choose file option and upload site icon.PNG (Transparency) Format. (Layout – Header –Edit— Choose file – save). (Sometimes it will take one hour to change for the first time).
  • Select the  instead of title and description option in the header section (Layout – Header –Edit— Enable instead of title and description).
  • Write a Description of your business in the Description section (Layout – Header –Edit—Description – Save).
  • Disable Navbar option (Layout – Navbar –Edit—off – Save).  

Prepare Content for Create New Post

  • Create Content and then select the new post option (Dashboard – Post – New post).
  • While creating Content the first thing is Image as mandatory.
  • Select the new post and enter Post title (Keyword based) then insert Image and post your Content or video.

(II) Themes (change theme, Background, Adjust Width, layout and Advanced Option)

The following option is set only after put content on the post.

1. Select the theme option and go to Advanced option (Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Advanced).

Advanced Option:
            It is used to change the font size, Background and Text-color of Page, Links, Blog title, Blog Description, Tabs text, Tabs Background, Date header, Post title, post background, etc., After changes made click Apply for Blog.

2. Go to theme option (Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Themes).

            It is used to change the theme of the blogger. After the change, the theme or select a new theme then click Apply for Blog. Any theme changes then refresh the blog page. Automatically Navbar Enabled. So don't forget to off  Navbar once your changes are done.

3. Go to background option (Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Background).

            It is used to Change the Background image. Select the down-arrow symbol presented on the right side of the image (ˇ). Remember always set your custom image as on Background image. (use images 1800x1600 or greater)

4. Go to adjust width option (Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Adjust width).

Adjust width:
            It is used to change the Blog width and Right sidebar width.

5. Go to Layout option ((Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Layout).

            The layout option is used to add Social icon, ads on the blog, any extra option based on your layout. Mostly used for Ads purpose. Always prefer the right side of Body layout can contain only one right sidebar and two Footer layout options.

(III) Create static pages like about us, Contact Us, Services for activating Menu Bar

  • Once created many pages like Home, About us, Contact us and Services then connect all the pages with the front end of Blogger (Dashboard – Layout – Cross column – Add gadget – Pages – Click + symbols – Enable the pages with Home page – Save – Save Arrangement).
  • Disable About me and Blog Achieve which is present on the right sidebar by Modify right side layout (Dashboard – Layout – Sidebar right 1 – Edit about me & Blog Achieve – Remove – Save Arrangement)
  • Disable Date and time of post and Author name of the post. Because People can easily identify who is the author of the post and when was the post created. (Dashboard – Layout – Main – Blog post gadget – edit – disable all option except comments and share button – save – save arrangements).

Digital Marketing Training Coimbatore | Digital Vishnu

Join Digital Vishnu - No 1 Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore. Call now: +91-9600231980 for more details.100% Placement!!!

Digital Vishnu is to provide you the best digital marketing training and Service in Coimbatore. Digital Marketing Technique is the promotion of products, services, or brands via digital marketing channels like Mobile and pc. We provide training on how to promote brands, increase online presence, brand reputation, and increases sales using various successful digital marketing campaigns. People who search for Learn Digital Marketing and Services need in that field to improve your Business Products or Services; you can join in our training institute to gain knowledge in the Digital Marketing Field. Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore include the use of various services, tools and marketing strategies, which mainly rely on the internet as core promotional medium, in addition to mobile, email, wireless text messaging, digital television, radio channels, etc. If you are an expert in website designing, then you can establish your services with digital marketing in an effective manner.

Digital Marketing Training & Services Coimbatore
                  Now, Digital marketing professionals are responsible for various digital marketing strategies like keyword analysis, search engine optimization, content marketing, sales conversion, campaign marketing,  e-Commerce marketing, display advertising, performance monitoring and using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram to drive potential traffic to the business website.

In this digital era, there is a huge demand for digital marketing professionals, who can run an effective marketing campaign that ensure more online presence and sale conversion to business. If you are having a professional website for your online business but not sure how to take it forward? Digital Marketing is one of the best technique or best method that gets you the desired results in boosting any business products or services.

Digital Vishnu – Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore offers a professional digital marketing field to meet the industry needs. Our practical oriented digital marketing training will help students to gain industry exposure in recent days in understanding digital channels, techniques, and applications to make and run a successful marketing campaign.
Whether you are a Student or Marketer or an Entrepreneur, Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore at Digital Vishnu will equip you with the skills and tools required to shape your online marketing goals.

Digital Marketing Training and Service in Coimbatore

Nowadays there are a lot of people adapt to modern marketing techniques like Online Marketing. Due to lack of Knowledge in the power of digital marketing – still, business entrepreneurs and Business Promoters are struggling to bring up their business on top and they can't get a huge audience regarding their business for promoting their products or services and get high ROI in their business products. So, people started realizing that digital marketing is the only way to promote any business Product or Service to any taste of customers in the various market fields. Especially, with a low budget reaching the appropriate market and the customer is not possible in traditional marketing but the only possible way with digital marketing strategies. We can help to promote their Product or Service to customers through our Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore and also we guide you on how to learn digital marketing strategies ins and outs and how we can apply in various business products or services.

Digital Marketing Training in Coimbatore

How Digital Marketing Training Course is popular in Coimbatore Peoples?

In 2020, we are in the digital era. Many peoples are using smartphones like Andriod, ios, and Tablets in the world. So day to day the smartphone usage of Indian people rate is increasing rapidly. A Government survey says like 450 million users are using smartphones in India. The ultimate purpose of using smartphones is now becoming only to access the Internet and spending more hours chatting with their friends and make social fun in Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Making calls is a secondary option these days in smartphones. So, through Social Media Marketing we can promote our product or service to smartphone users. Now a day’s everything becomes digital. If you want to brand your product or service, then it becomes mandatory to prove its presence over the web. Ultimately, peoples are interested to know about the business product or service online and they will know about the product detailed by posting articles and trust on the product by posting articles and trust on the product by customer reviews and comments. So Business people and professionals are rushing towards learning about Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore.

Digital Marketing Strategy training in Coimbatore

Which is the Best Digital Marketing Training & Services in Coimbatore?

Digital Vishnu – Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore provides the best digital marketing service. Because we prepared and designed Digital Marketing Curriculum by the digital marketing experts to maintain the standard of our training institute. We assure that our training institute will provide the best digital marketing training with live Projects and updated material. We provide you live projects and hands-on training on live projects to everyone individually. Then only this kind of training is helpful to improve your digital marketing skills and knowledge. It makes you give more confidence of success in the digital marketing field.

Importance of Digital Marketing Training & Services in Coimbatore

Coimbatore city is always busy with small and medium scale business industries and software industries. Other than IT services to multinational clients, there are plenty of brands and new startup business are evolving every day with big dreams. Even for small business services like a beauty parlor, gyms and travel agencies and medium service businesses like the pump industry, the Cotton mill, Automobile industry, and Textile business are in need of online promotions and brand their products. Most of the small business owners might not be good in Communications. Hence, we included Digital Marketing Training & Service in Tamil and English language. Even though many medium-scale Industry business owners and managers are in need of learning digital marketing course training in online mode. So we can provide the training on both online and offline modes.

Benefits Digital Marketing Training & Services in Coimbatore

We also provide the materials regarding the digital marketing course training in any format like pdf or video format. Because that helps you to revise the course at any time. We will provide you local marketing training, Google my business, SEO, SEM, SMO, Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing Training, the importance of a Digital Marketing Strategy, and how to promote the business product or service using digital marketing strategies like SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM, and Email.

There is no other Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore that covers basic knowledge of Wordpress designing in their modules. But, we are additionally taken basics of WordPress website designing, how we get a domain, and how to do hosting through the third party website.

Why you choose Digital Vishnu as a top Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore

Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore at Digital Vishnu was started digital Marketing experts and the digital marketing course training is delivered by real-time Digital Marketing professionals and Industrial Experts.

There are so many digital marketing institutes are available in Coimbatore district. But, why you will have to pick Digital Vishnu as your best choice? Yes. Our Institute's major highlight is that even after your course completion; we will support and guide you on your live projects if you have got any clarifications at your client or workplace. So many Courses completed professionals and business managers are recommending our Training institute.

Best Digital Marketing Training & Placement in Coimbatore

Digital marketing is the ever-growing source of promoting your business products or service via entertainment, news and shopping, social interaction. It is mainly used to increase the customer, friends, peers and media. Digital Marketing can reach a huge audience in any market. When we are using Digital marketing peoples are discussing your company and your brand day-to-day. As everyone knows Social media marketing is the essential way of promoting our business product or services. Because millions of audiences are using social media. This also helps to make people believe and trust your company.
In recent days, digital marketing executives are most wanted by small and medium scale companies and they are hired at a faster rate. So we would strongly refer and recommend your profiles for the companies if we come across suitable openings from our associates. After the completion of Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore, you could do freelancing work from home and also start a new business of any stream, confidently and then only you can get an idea and improve your digital marketing skills. There are many third-party websites offer Freelancing job.

Best Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore

Due to the high demand for digital marketing professionals, both business owners and individuals are giving more interest to hack the digital marketing industry. The ruthless competition and demand for digital marketing skilled personalities are triggering candidates to learn more about it day-to-day. Therefore, more digital marketing training centers Coimbatore are starting in Coimbatore, especially digital marketing training Saibaba Colony, Ganapathy, Gandhipuram, Saravanampatty, Hopes, Trichy Road, Peelamedu, Avinashi, Tirupur, Erode, Ooty and Surrounding region of Coimbatore. The preliminary basis is you have to research and choose the best digital marketing training institution in Coimbatore.

Best Digital Marketing Training in Coimbatore

Now you may ask the question like How to choose the best Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore? Among lots of popular digital marketing training institute in Coimbatore, it is very tough to pick the right choice. If you are trying to find answers to the below questions, they can choose or prefer your best digital marketing course Training center in Coimbatore.

  • Which one is providing one-to-one instructor-led training or batch-wise classes in their centers?
  • Whether they are offering any opportunities to get real-time work experience like involving you in real-time projects or not?
  • How they are popular in digital marketing training?
  • How they are rated in Google after the course completed candidates?
  • Whether they are actively connected with more digital marketers in the digital marketing industry or not?
  • How their institutional websites are performing in search engine ranking?
  • (Top position or bottom position)
  • Do you feel the course fee of Digital Marketing is affordable or not?
  • Whether they are providing flexible class hours on weekdays or weekend days?
  • How they are providing support after the course completion of Digital Marketing?
  • Are they providing any free course materials?
  • Who are all partnered with them and what are the certification course they are providing?
  • Are they providing digital marketing career opportunities or references?
 With these questions, find the answers to the above queries, and then you can choose the right place for getting training in your digital marketing skills.

Modules Covered in Digital Marketing Training in Coimbatore

Most of the Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore are providing training in digital marketing courses with the most common syllabus. Such that the course modules would help you to learn what is what. But we are unique in this field. If you want to become a master in the digital marketing field, you must be known and apply digital marketing strategies like SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM in your real-time projects; then you get experience in digital marketing strategy course modules. The digital marketing industry is not a heavy one; it keeps developing every day with new updates. The digital marketing trainer must be an expert and energetic in their field.
What would you learn from our Digital Marketing Training Course in Coimbatore?
There are some significant things in digital marketing to learn rather than simply knowing what is digital marketing. Here we are providing all significant modules in our Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore.

1.Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
3. Social Media Optimization (SMO)
4. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
5. Content Marketing (CM)
6. YouTube SEO
7. PPC advertisements
8. Local SEO
9. Google Analytics
10. Keyword Research
11. Google Trends and etc.,

We are helping you to start the digital marketing course from scratch with web hosting and basic web designing. Beyond these terms, you will get the idea that works well for the majority of businesses to rank better in the digital marketing industries. The real-time experience of working on live digital marketing projects will improve your confidence in that then you can handle the digital marketing campaigns of any website of your own. So, don’t just know the digital marketing concepts and learn the concepts in depth.
Apart from us other digital marketing Training centers in Coimbatore would display a big list of modules. But, just they provide teaching of their modules, they won’t tell what those terms, real benefits, and results. Still, you find it hard to make a decision; you may attend a free demo class then only you can get clarity.

Digital Marketing Certification training course in Coimbatore

How Digital Marketing Training Center in Coimbatore differs from others

We are more confident that you will achieve your desired goals by choosing us for your digital marketing skills. We are well connected with more popular articles in the online marketing and blogging marketing industry. Hence, we are strong in knowing and understanding every update in the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. So we deliver updated technique in digital marketing.
You might have noticed that if you have used any of these search queries like Best Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore then you may visit our page. Hence, we are sure that we could teach you something that we know about ranking the pages of the search engines and updates of Search Engines.
Not only this, but we are also helping you to generate potential business leads via Google ads and social media ads intentionally. You will get training from experts in digital marketers and ad campaign experts. Never bother about that our Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore would be costlier. We provide Training at a very much affordable cost.

Digital Marketing Training with Placement in Coimbatore

Many of Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore centers offer guaranteed placement opportunities, but we are unique. We don’t promote ourselves as an HR agency; Apart from digital marketing training, we stand out from the crowd of other training with standard training value. If you are anyone looking for digital marketing training in Coimbatore’ or ‘digital marketing classes near me’ or ‘best digital marketing training in Coimbatore’, then you might approach us.

Modes of Digital Marketing Classes in Coimbatore 

Not only classroom training we are providing online and offline training for interested individuals, Even though we are conducting digital marketing events, workshops, guest lectures, seminars, etc. Also, we are happy to take digital marketing training for academic students and corporate employees.
We have included free web designing like Wordpress in our digital marketing course syllabus. This is to ensure that an individual must begin from scratch for better understanding. Also, advanced web designing training courses are available for particular market seekers.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most frequently asked questions by searchers searching Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly or send an email. We are always waiting to help you. Don't hesitate.
1) Shall I attend a demo class before enrolling?

Yes, Book your FREE demo class now @ + 91 9600231980 then you will get to know more details about our digital marketing course syllabus, course fees, duration and any other doubts regarding Digital Marketing Training and services.
2) Does this digital marketing course include a free web designing class?
Yes, we will cover free basic web designing classes (WordPress) before getting into digital marketing Training. With that, you can design your site in your own style for FREE.
3) What are all the Certifications I will get after completion of course?
On successful completion of our digital marketing training course, you will get digital marketing course completion certifications and Google Ads certification from global partners like Google and Facebook Ads and Facebook ads certification from Social media partners like Facebook.
4) Will you provide any Internship opportunities?
Of course, after the successful completion of your Digital Marketing Training & Service in Coimbatore with us, you can get a 1-month internship experience with working on our real-time client projects.
5) Will you provide real-time training or class training? 

We are providing real-time training classes on a digital marketing course. Initially, few classes will be theoretical then the rest of the classes will be real-time and practical for better understanding.

6) Will you provide printed materials? 

Yes. While you attend each and every class, we record the sessions. At the end of the course, we give video material.

7) Will you provide both weekend & regular classes?
Yes. To be favored by all interested candidates like students, working professionals, business entrepreneurs, or people from nearby cities, we are providing both regular and weekend classes. For people who cannot attend the classroom training, make use of our digital marketing online training options.